At Maya’s Native Garden Restaurant, we serve a variety of delicious food. From our menu you can select local Filipino dishes, international cuisine and short orders like burgers and Mexican Burritos.
Filipinos loves BBQ, and so do we!! We have a big grill, where we cook fresh fish and seafood, burgers, chicken, pork tenderloin, imported beef steaks and more.. For breakfast you can have freshly brewed coffee with coffee beans from Negros island, homemade bread and Danish blue cheese, pancakes, Mexican Burittos and more.. We serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. Our bar stocks excellent wines, fresh fruit shakes, cold beer, cocktails and more.. We have FREE WIFI internet access, lovely staff and a good atmosphere.
See our Food Menu here: Mayas Native Garden Restuarant
See our Drinks Menu here: Mayas Native Garden Restaurant Drinks Menu
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